We, the undersigned, residents of Canada draw the attention of the House of Commons to the following: THAT violence against… read more
The Iridovirus investigation that started around 2008, has just been handed down by Biosecurity on 23/7/10 The report has recommended… read more
Recognizing the State's Right to establish and maintain a Constitution separate from, but liable to, the United States Constitution: The… read more
Children in father-absent homes are almost four times more likely to be poor. In 2011, 12 percent of children in… read more
У нас, както съобщиха и редица медии, всяка година се унищожават над 670 000 тона храна. Причината за това е… read more
PETITION FOR A "CODE OF ETHICS" POLICY FOR TWRA WILD LIFE OFFICERS Whereas: We, the Undersigned , do hereby agree… read more
My mother has been living in constant pain due to a neuroma caused by a botched surgery. The doctor that… read more
The History of Mankind has been plagued by Wars, Suffering and devestation because of Religion! Even in 2007, we cannot… read more
Amending how Employers can view background and credit histories. To not be able to obtain employment due to background and… read more
The current government policy of the "Big Society" will heavily rely on volunteers in the local community. Having been a… read more