Penalties When Children Witness Domestic Violence vs. Animal Cruelty Law Penalties When Children Witness Domestic Violence OKLAHOMA STATE TITLE 21… read more
The Democratic National Committee voted to strip Florida and Michigan of all of their delegates for moving the dates of… read more
Hi all, As you might have seen Transport NSW is proposing to upgrade the Western Distributor which includes the removal… read more
We as disabled people and nondisabled people need to come together to get sidewalks installed in the areas where we… read more
Homosexuals should be able to exist without persecution. However, not being allowed to marry is not persecution. Please do not… read more
Appeal for International petitions and solidarity. We, Kashmiri and Pakistani workers at Baltic star are experiencing racism and discrimination at… read more
Let me begin by saying I am a caucasian, middle-class woman earning a specialist's degree in Education. A series of… read more
This Petition is to help Jimmy Sluder get out of prison. He has been there for many years and wants… read more
September 3, 2005 George W. Bush The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500 Mr. President: I, like… read more
Under Oklahoma State Law Title 22 Sections 60.6: 1) Any first time offender shall be charged with a misdemeanor. They… read more