A petition to the federal government of Canada to give citizens the right to opt out of the Canada Pension… read more
This peption is to relocate US embassy in Warsaw Poland to the area under legal US jurisdiction in Warsaw. The… read more
To make restaurant dining safe for people who suffer from food-related allergies. There could be as many as 10 million… read more
Petition to the US Congress to expel Senator Tom Daschle and Rep. Dick Gephardt. read more
According to published CDC reports, California spends close to $2 million dollars annually to provide Cable and Sattilite TV to… read more
This is the online version of a paper petition circulating in N.E. Pa. The form of government we have enjoyed… read more
George Bush has, for the past 3 years, been a criminal to the justice of the world. He has murdered… read more
The action of the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court in declaring a right to homosexual marriage under its state constitution is… read more
We the people of Canada respectfully request the Government of Canada to begin an investigation into all Workers' Compensation Boards… read more
My son was given a plea bargain in exchange for a guilty plea. The state offerred the agreement in good… read more