- Target:
- United Nations and Government and International Organizations,Amnesty Iran
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- Website:
- www.gopetition.com
According to reports from inside Iran on February 13, political prisoner Javad Fouladvand was sentenced to 18 years in prison because of his membership to the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) and his contact and contribution to Simay-e Azadi, the Iranian Resistance TV, a round the clock satellite television station broadcasting from Europe. This sentence was handed down on February 8.
His torturers told him that they knew he made a contribution to Simay-e Azadi and collected money for it. They told him he had violated Islamic Republic law and committed Moharebeh, punishable by death.
Other reports indicate that Fouladvand’s family is in a poor financial situation. His youngest child is facing problems continuing his education and his oldest child lost an opportunity to participate in the nationwide test for entering universities. Even if he could take the test, his affiliation with a politically active family would make his admittance highly improbable.
Fouladvand officially asked that his wife would have the authority to sell their taxi or to rent it out as their only property to make ends meet. This transfer of authority was rejected by Judge Salavati as a means to bring added pressure on Fouladvand.
on 08 Feb 2014: Abol-Ghasem (Javad) Fouladvand Sentenced to 18 years in prison + 24 lashes for cooperation with MEK
ابوالقاسم (جواد) فولادوند زندانی سیاسی بند ۳۵۰ زندان اوین از سوی دادگاه انقلاب به ۱۸ سال زندان و ۷۴ ضربه شلاق محکوم شد.
بنا به اطلاع گزارشگران هرانا، ارگان خبری مجموعه فعالان حقوق بشر در ایران، ابوالقاسم (جواد) فولادوند روز شنبه ۱۹ بهمن ماه از بند ۳۵۰ زندان اوین به شعبه ۱۵ دادگاه انقلاب انتقال یافت و حکم ۱۸ سال حبس به وی ابلاغ شد.
فولادوند ۵۱ ساله به اتهام «بغی از طریق عضویت در سازمان مجاهدین خلق» به ۱۵ سال حبس تعزیری و به اتهام «توهین به رهبری» به ۲ سال حبس تعزیری و به دلیل شرکت در اعتراضات سال ۱۳۸۸ و اتهام «اخلال در نظم عمومی» به یکسال حبس تعزیری و ۷۴ ضربه شلاق محکوم شده است.
مجازات بغی از چند ماه پیش و با تصویب قانون جدید مجازات اسلامی به جای مجازات محاربه در مورد محکومان سیاسی اعمال میشود.
۱۸ سال حبس تعزیری برای این راننده تاکسی ساکن شهریار در حالی صادر شده است که این زندانی سیاسی مدت یکسال و شش ماه نیز در دههٔ ۶۰ به همین اتهام در زندانهای جمشیدیه و قزلحصار به سر برده است.
ابوالقاسم فولادوند خرداد ماه سال جاری به همراه فرزند ۱۷ ساله خود توسط وزارت اطلاعات دستگیر شد.
Interview with brother of political prisoner of ward 350 evin Abol-ghasem Foladvand.
We, the undersigned, petition for the unconditional freedom of Abolghasem Foladvand. The Islamic republic of Iran should drop all charges against him.
We request from the UN Secretary General, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, and the UN Special Rapporteur on extra-judicial executions to submit the file for Iran's crimes against humanity to the UN Security Council to decide on the necessary actions that need to be taken.
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The ابوالقاسم (جواد) فولادوند FREE Abolghasem Fooladvand petition to United Nations and Government and International Organizations,Amnesty Iran was written by mariam and is in the category Human Rights at GoPetition.