- Target:
- MUP Crne Gore, Lokalne samouprave
- Region:
- Montenegro
Ova peticija je napravljena radi sirenja ideje o mogucnosti postojanja Policije za zivotin je u Crnoj Gori!
Treba nam sto vise podrske od ljudi sirom svijeta da bi se ova ideja realizovala.
This petition is made to spread the word about the possibility of creating a Police for animals in Crna Gora!
We need as many people as possible all over the world so that we can make this idea reality.
- Crna Gora je usvojila potrebne zakonske norme kojima su stvoreni uslovi za sankcionisanje zanemarivanja, zlostavljanja i ubijanja zivotinja. (Zakon o zaštiti dobrobiti životinja i posebne odredbe Krivicnog zakona Crne Gore i Zakona o javnom redu i miru). Nažalost, institucije nadležne za sprovodjenje zakona ne reaguju cak i na najokrutnije primjere zlostavljanja i ubijanja zivotinja.
Pridružite nam se u želji da oformimo policiju za životinje i spasimo najugroženija stvorenja koje su ljudi zapustili ili se izivljavaju nad njima. Obavijestite prijatelje i pomozite nam da ova ideja zazivi.
Hvala svima.
- Crna Gora(Montenegro) has adopted all the necessary legal norms that are made, to stop neglecting, abusing and killing animals! (Law for the protection of Animal Welfare and Special Provisions of the Criminal law of Crna Gora and the law of public order and peace). Unfortunately, the institutions that are competent for putting those laws threw aren't doing anything, even when the most cruel forms of abusing and killing of the animals are happening.
Join us in our wish to form a Police for animals and to save the most vulnerable beings that people have left or are abusing them. Inform your friends and help us to make this idea reality.
Thanks to all.
You can further help this campaign by sponsoring it
The Zivotinje ne mogu same da se brane petition to MUP Crne Gore, Lokalne samouprave was written by Olja Kaludjerovic and is in the category Animal Welfare at GoPetition.