Yoga Community Petition: To replace the word “Warrior” with “Creator”

- Target:
- Yoga Alliance and Yogis everywhere
- Region:
- Website:
I have been doing yoga for about 12 years now. Because of yoga and other self-improvement experiences, my awareness levels are at the highest they’ve ever been. When people have heightened awareness they know thoughts, words, images and actions all have either positive (+) or negative (-) energies and rarely a neutral charge.
This is the reason politicians and much of our society use words with negative imagery like: fight, battle & war to elicit the most visceral emotional reactions, even when just debating each other. Instilling fear and anger is a primitive yet effective, natural technique to gain support for a cause. Because humans have been embroiled in conflict and war since our existence, we have been conditioned to perpetuate conflict and war. Thoughts, words, images and actions are what society’s use to continue the tradition of violence or create a new and more positive present & future.
Evolve 4 World Peace now calls upon the global yoga community to increase our own self-awareness by realizing one of the most used words of negative (-) imagery in many yoga classes is “Warrior”. There’s Warrior 1, 2, 3, humble etc. Even Peaceful Warrior is a contradiction. A person either creates peace or war. Just as it is impossible for mind to have 2 thoughts at the exact same time, so too is it impossible for peace and war to exist at the same place and time.
The imagery of a Warrior is usually associated with the glorification of war, death, weaponry and violence. The Sanskrit name of the pose, Virabhadrasana is name after the Hindi mythological warrior and horrifying mass murder, Virabhadra.
A greater awareness means we know thoughts, words, images and actions all create mental impressions on the human mind. A greater awareness means we have a choice of what those impressions are. We can choose the negative (-) impression of the word “Warrior” or we choose the positive (+) impression associated with our own albites to create a more peaceful, loving, inspirational, abundant, compassionate world: We choose to be a “Creator”.
This global yoga community petition is to replace the word “Warrior” with “Creator”, defined as a person or thing that brings something into existence.
As each yogi shares this awareness with others the ripple effect becomes global. That means other positive (+) words will fill our collective vocabulary much more often. Eckhart Tolle, author of “A New Earth” has said “yoga will be a great part of the awakening of humanity”. This new collective awareness in the yoga community will accelerate his prediction.
Then, even our world leaders and politicians will be speaking in terms of positivity and optimism. This is one component to Create world peace.
Love you all,
Evolve 4 World Peace
We, the signers of this global yoga awareness petition and declaration, choose the positive (+) impression associated with our own abilities to create a more peaceful, loving, inspirational, abundant, compassionate world: We choose to replace the word “Warrior” with “Creator”.
You can further help this campaign by sponsoring it
The Yoga Community Petition: To replace the word “Warrior” with “Creator” petition to Yoga Alliance and Yogis everywhere was written by Evolve 4 World Peace and is in the category Culture at GoPetition.