- Target:
- Yahoo Inc.
- Region:
When Yahoo axed Geocities free websites on Oct 26th 2009, it managed to splinter the personal histories of millions of people who cut their designing and communications milk teeth on Geocities.
Our disbelief and disappointment have snowballed into a frustration which demands solutions acceptable to both Yahoo as well as ourselves.
We, the undersigned, request Yahoo to roll back the closure of Geocities free web pages.
Yahoo has always been a people's site. The site that cared to make communicators of us... challenged us to dare some more, encouraged us to open up and break through. Share our worlds across time and space... create that extra magic... breast one more frontier.
And nowhere did Yahoo do this as magnificently as with the free space offered on Geocities for so many years. We responded by investing a slice of our personal lives- building our Inner Cities on this site, brick by brick. Why destroy our citadels now?
Make it viable to yourselves by asking a small maintenance fee, Yahoo - and no more added content, if you will. But fling open those familiar doors to us - the netizens of Geocities. Make it possible to return to old territories bounded by great memories and the diamond glitter of precious, otherwise irretrievable work.
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The Yes to Retrieving Geocities petition to Yahoo Inc. was written by Sarita and is in the category Forums at GoPetition.