Anyone who games

World of Warcraft is a very addicitve game that has millions of people around the planet staring at their computer screens playing for more than 24 hours a day.

This causes serious health and psychological problems, for example, Addiction, Schizophrenia, dehydration (if playing for more than 24 hours), and if played for three days or more people may die of lack of needed nutrients,which has several recorded cases already.

Also, many of the players can suffer from extreme emotions, such as depression if things do not go their way, there are also recorded cases of people commiting suicide over the game.

We, the undersigned, have concerns about the health of these players and support the shutting down of World of Warcraft and all its affiliates for a time unless the problem can be rectified.

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The WoW should be permanently shut down as it is an offence to gaming petition to Anyone who games was written by Sturmentine Falkenius and is in the category Gaming at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

World of Warcraft