#Westmount - Dorchester Narrowing Project -
Westmount City Hall

Dorchester Blvd "where have you gone?":

The City of Westmount have embarked on a proposed project to narrow Dorchester Blvd spanning Atwater to Ste. Catherine St.

The purpose is to allow for the construction of new buildings along the Tupper parking lot strip. The city proposes to build two rows of buildings in this narrow space. The buildings along Tupper are to be 5-6 story tall while the homes built along Dorchester will be 3-4 story. The City's proposed designs (3) all demonstrate that the Tupper lots present limited space with an over-crowding of buildings and lack congruence with the south-side of Dorchester. The current median will be significantly narrowed (6 feet) making the Dorchester passage crowded, dangerous for children, provide significantly less green space and increase in traffic.

The city also proposes to eliminate the semi-circle located at the west-end of Dorchester. They propose to extend Clarke to Dorchester by expropriating a significant portion of a picturesque park and the removal of beautiful mature trees and the green space facing 4282 Dorchester.

A new orthogonal intersection (Clarke x Dorchester) will be created. This will eliminate the cul-de-sac residents have enjoyed at the west-end of Dorchester. It will amplify traffic, increased noise and require that traffic controls be installed making this quaint section of Dorchester significantly less efficient and aesthetically disadvantaged.

Our district 8 councillor also finds herself in a position of conflict of interest. The removal of the Dorchester curve will transpose significantly more green space on the facade of her personal residence. This is simply not right and self serving when it disproportionately disadvantages impacted citizens.

The modification of the Dorchester curve has no merit as it will be a waste of taxpayer money. The narrowing of Dorchester needs very careful citizen consultation given the growing concerns being voiced by the citizens many of whom were not properly consulted or lacked the details surrounding the plan. Once decided it will be too late !

See Web Album at: https://goo.gl/photos/dek2cRjdCDPi9txJ6

Souhaits des résidents de Westmount concernant le rétrécissement de Dorchester (projet Sud-Est).

Nous ne sommes pas d'accord avec la vision du projet Sud-Est et pensons que :
1. Le boulevard Dorchester devrait être laissé comme il est, pour éventuellement ajouter une piste cyclable pour accueillir les cyclistes.
2. La bande médiane doit être laissée telle quelle.
3. L'élimination de la courbe entre l'avenue Clarke et l'avenue Greene pour créer un angle droit est inutile.
4. S'il doit y avoir aménagement du côté nord, il devrait demeurer conforme aux paramètres du règlement de zonage actuel R6-24-08, les bâtiments ayant une hauteur maximale de 3 étages (35 pieds), avec 35% de la superficie allouée à l'espace vert. En ce qui concerne le type de bâtiment, ils doivent être en conformité avec l'intégrité architecturale du côté sud.


Wishes of the Westmount Residents regarding the narrowing of Dorchester (South-East project).

We do not agree with the vision of the South-East project and believe that:
1. Dorchester Boulevard should be left as it is and eventually adding a bicycle path to accommodate cyclists.
2. The median should be left as it is.
3. The elimination of the curve to a right angle between Clarke Ave. and Greene Ave. is unnecessary.
4. If there is to be development on the north side it should remain within the parameters of the existing zoning bylaw R6-24-08, with buildings having a maximum height of 3 storeys (35 feet), with 35% of the surface area allocated to green space. Regarding building type, they should be in keeping with the architectural integrity of the south side.

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The Wishes of the Westmount Residents regarding the narrowing of Dorchester (South-East project). petition to Westmount City Hall was written by Westmount Dorchester Narrowing and is in the category City & Town Planning at GoPetition.