
Wild Salmon have offered up themselves as a most precious gift to BC. On their migration path to and from the vast upper reaches of the mighty Fraser River, they feed the bears, the forest, the winged ones and our families and communities.

The storm of industrial activities including: forestry, bursting mining tailings ponds, infected fish farms, oil/gas extraction, pipelines, dams and other threats, are stressing our relationship to the Sacred Wild Salmon.

We encourage everyone to like and share this petition far and wide. Ask all the candidates in the federal election if they will take a stand and be a champion for saving wild salmon from industrial harm. We must call upon Steven Harper, Tom Mulcair, and Justin Trudeau to announce what is in their respective election platforms. The peoples' movement is very powerful.

Thank you all for your support! May the Spirit of Wild Salmon be with You!

For more information about the petition please contact:

Eddie Gardener – Email: singingbear@telus.net, or Call: 604.792.0867.
Dawn Morrison – Email: dmo6842@gmail.com, or Call: 778.879.5106.

We the undersigned, are calling out the BC and federal governments on their abdication of their duty and responsibility to protect wild salmon and their habitat from reckless industrial harm. In response the following steps must include:

. Imperial Mines is unable to clean up the environmental disaster caused by the Mount Polley mine breach. Consequently Imperial Mines must not be allowed to reopen. Furthermore, a moratorium on mining must be in place until enforceable safeguards are in place, to prevent another disaster.

. Kinder Morgan, Enbridge and Supertankers must be stopped as they pose a risk too high to the sacred waters, air and wild salmon. We propose divestment in the tar sands and investment in clean energy technologies.

. We applaud the recent B,C. federal court decision to disallow the transfer of fish infected with viruses to open-net pen farms. Given fish farms on wild salmon migration routes have failed to protect Fraser River salmon, the province of B.C. must not renew fish farm leases in Dec. 2015.

. Governments and corporations must honour the duty to consult and obtain the consent of First Nations title holders on industrial projects impacting their respective territories and Aboriginal rights.

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The Wild Salmon Caravan: Petition to Protect Wild Salmon and their Habitat petition to Everyone was written by Wild Salmon Caravan and is in the category Environment at GoPetition.