- Target:
- President, PM of Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus
- Region:
Open letter from the Community of Global Defenders of Truth, Justice, Peace and Tolerance:
The modern world is crying with blood and tears for a universal and sincere recognition of these values. Are not these values enshrined in the Holy Quran and the teachings of our beloved Prophet (saw)?
Over the last 50 years (half a century!) no single human being has supported and defended these values more ardently than the Most Venerable Sheikh ul Islam Muhammed Nazim Adil Haqqani.
He was born in Cyprus and brought up and educated in a great tradition of learning and practice by some of the greatest saintly scholars of Islam, in the last century. In his mission to serve the Almighty Allah Ta'ala, Sheikh Nazim has traveled the world to communicate the message of Truth from the shores of California in the west to those of Japan in the east, and from the confines of the Caucasus in the North to the perimeter of the southern seas in South Africa. His 25 years (1975-2000)of observance of the holy fasting month of Ramadan in Britain, the nightly celebration of Teravih prayers in London, and endless weeks of lecturing, advice and support to countless number of adherents to the faith of Islam, and to non-Muslims, are all testimony to a remarkable life dedicated to preaching Truth, Justice, Peace and Tolerance.
Having now returned to his native Cyprus he continues to dedicate whatever remains of his life to serving the cause of Allah Ta'ala as before. Recent events in TRNC (Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus) regarding the harassment of Sheikh Nazim are deplorable to say the least. His weekly newsletter- one sided A4 printout, 40-50 in number- has worried the TRNC police (in TRNC police forces are under the military forces of mainland Turkey and not the local government minister) so much so that they confiscated a computer on 22-03-2006 and they are now running a full scale investigation which will lead to the prosecution of Sheikh Nazim for allegedly acting against the TRNC!
The message given out in Sheikh Nazim's leaflets do not carry any material that threatens national security or is inflammatory and likely to produce an upheaval. They are simple guidance calling on all people to recognize their creator and not to neglect their duty to Him. The forces responsible for this unfortunate behavior are acting independently of the democratic government of the TRNC.
The government of the TRNC is democratically elected and the whole world has followed with intent the evolution of democracy on mainland Turkey and the TRNC. It is a great credit to the people of these lands that they act as a beacon of democracy to the rest of the Muslim world, which is at present caught up in the throes of change.
The personality and standing of Sheikh Nazim is undoubtedly linked to the march towards freedom and peace of this important geographical and strategic region of the globe. It is sad to note that those who want to hamper this natural evolution of events leading to the welfare and prosperity of society misunderstand the essence of Sheikh Nazim's message.
After more than a century of official atheism, crass materialism, capitalism -you name it- human society across the world inspite of severe dislocations to- day seem to be poised to recognize the role of his creator in his worldly affairs. Many heads of state and government across the world do not hesitate to express publicly their belief in and worship of God.
The message of Sheikh Nazim is pure and simple, namely : Acknowledge Allah Ta'ala as your creator and Master first and the rest will follow. Let government and society show allegiance to the Lord Almighty- the fall out of a sincere and genuine faith in Him can but lead to peace, prosperity and happiness not only in this physical world but most importantly in the next world after death.
No amount of improvement in economic, scientific and technological progress etc is likely to bring peace to a world in dire need of it when this important criterion of Belief in Allah Ta'ala is missing in human affairs.
Sheikh Nazim is highly respected by both governments on the island of Cyprus as an exponent for peace. His role in the last referendum for unification of Cyprus was crucial in enabling the TRNC to project a worldwide and unique image of tolerance. This tolerance in fact is a national characteristic of the TRNC people.
We call on the police and the Turkish military presence in the TRNC to reconsider their position in the light above. May Allah Ta'ala help them to do so.
This open letter is being sent to President and Prime Minister of TRNC, the UN Secretary General and also being supported as a petition on the web site
President of TRNC
info@kktc-cb.org fax:+90(392) 227 22 52
Prime Minister of TRNC e mail : info@kktcbasbakanlik.org fax : +90(392) 227 72 25
We, the undersigned, request from the authorities of TRNC to stop harassing Sheikh Nazim and try to show him and his followers more understanding and tolerance.
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The Where is freedom of speech in Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus? petition to President, PM of Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus was written by canpolat osman and is in the category Human Rights at GoPetition.