#Civil Rights
Western Mail / Trinity Mirror
United Kingdom

Mae'r Western Mail, papur sy'n honni bod yn bapur cenedlaethol Cymru, wedi sarhau holl bobl Cymru trwy ddweud fod cyfieithu cofnodion y Cynulliad "yn foethusrwydd na allwn ni ei fforddio". Rhaid i'r Western Mail ymddiheuro am y sarhad yma a dangos eu cefnogaeth lwyr i Gymru ddwyieithog.

The Western Mail, a paper claiming to be the National Newspaper of Wales, has insulted the people of Wales by saying that the translation of the written record of the National Assembly is "a luxury we cannot afford". The Western Mail must apologise for this insult and declare its full support for a bi-lingual Wales.

Mae'r Western Mail, papur sy'n honni bod yn bapur cenedlaethol Cymru, wedi sarhau holl bobl Cymru trwy ddweud fod cyfieithu cofnodion y Cynulliad "yn foethusrwydd na allwn ni ei fforddio". Rhaid i'r Western Mail ymddiheuro am y sarhad yma a dangos eu cefnogaeth lwyr i Gymru ddwyieithog.

The Western Mail, a paper claiming to be the National Newspaper of Wales, has insulted the people of Wales by saying that the translation of the written record of the National Assembly is "a luxury we cannot afford". The Western Mail must apologise for this insult and declare its full support for a bi-lingual Wales.

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The Western Mail i ymddiheurio a chefnogi dwyieithrwydd / Western Mail to apologise and support bilingualism petition to Western Mail / Trinity Mirror was written by Mabon ap Gwynfor and is in the category Civil Rights at GoPetition.