United States of America

The NFL is losing their TV audience and ticket buyers already. Their recent milquetoast rules decision concerning the players wishing to kneel during our national anthem is already driving more fans away from NFL games, both on TV and in the seats. Our quest asks the NCAA to consider Sunday football games for our entertainment. Many of us, the public, already enjoy college football more than the NFL's pro football. So, why should we not want to request that the NCAA consider scheduling some games on Sunday so that we may enjoy football games
minus the anti-flag and anthem protesters in the NFL? Simply put, the 12 billion dollar a year machine, the NFL, does not own Sunday afternoons and evenings. We do. Thank you.

How about NCAA college football games scheduled for Sundays given the fact that the $12,000,000,000.00 (12 billion dollar) a year machine, known as the NFL, has cowered at the knees of their player's union in a recent rules decision. . Hiding those players opting to take a knee during our National Anthem in the locker rooms continues to be a clear sign of defiance to and disdain for our nation's two most recognizable symbols, our National Anthem and Old Glory.

Why should the NFL have a monopoly on Sunday football? Since a number of us actually enjoy NCAA football more than the pro games why shouldn't we attempt to urge the NCAA to find the avenues that would allow for NCAA Sunday football.

My friends and I are sickened by the cowardice of the NFL front office to confront their monumental problem of losing TV viewers and ticket sales because of "The Kneelers". Let's do this.

Let's sign this petition to urge the NCAA to take on a large task. One that would include finding networks willing to televise Sunday games, the involved college's interest, their infrastructure, and the fans willingness to adapt. Two major games and several more regional rivalries is what we're asking to enjoy on a fall Sunday. Please, sign to join us in this request of the NCAA. We, the people, deserve to view football without disruption

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The We Want Honorable Football To Watch petition to NCAA was written by Lindon Curtis and is in the category Football at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

football nfl NCAA