- Target:
- Region:
- Germany
We are a group of ten people interested in exhorting Rockstargames to make the next GTA a ps3 exclusive.
We think that if Rockstargames could use all their available resources in the development of the game on the PS3 only, then the experience of gta5 would be more immersive.
Through the use of the cell and above all the blu ray capacity, the world of gta would be huge, complete and the game experience would touch new limits.
We call on Rockstargames Entertainment to make GTA5 a ps3 exclusive. Thanks to the power of the Cell processor and the capacity of Blu Ray, the new gta will be the best game ever!
You can further help this campaign by sponsoring it
The WE WANT GTA5 A PS3 EXCLUSIVE petition to ROCKSTARGAMES was written by Sergio and is in the category Gaming at GoPetition.