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On the 31st March 2005-Seven of the International Volunteer Crew members of the Sea Shepherd flagship Farley Mowatt were assaulted by sealers from the sealing ship Brady Mariner.
Eighteen crew members from the Farley Mowatt had crossed a mile of ice to witness and photograph sealers from the Brady Mariner.Eight sealers armed with hakapiks approached and attacked the Sea Shepherd crew.
19 year old Lisa Moises from Germany was slapped in the face and punched in the stomach by one sealer, Another attacked photographer Ian Robichad with a hakapik, striking his camera and hitting him in the side of the head. Adrian Haley was struck in the face. Jonathon Batchlor was punched in the face. Jonny Vasic was hit in the side of the head with a club. Lisa Shalom Of Montreal was struck by a sealer as she took pictures of the assault on her crewmates. When another sealer lifted his hakapik to strike Jonny Vasik's camera, Dr Jerry Vlasak jumped in his way and took the blow across his face.
Their crime?
They were in the process of documenting evidence of a number of violations by sealers on the ice - including kicking seal pups in the face and skinning seals before testing to see if they were dead.
At 14:05 Hours on the 31st March 2005, Seven of the International Volunteer crew members of the Farley Mowatt, including Lisa Moises, Lisa Shalom, Jon Batchlor, Jonny Vasic, Jerry Vlasak, Adrian Haley, and Ian Robichaud, were assaulted by sealers from the sealing vessel Brady Mariner.
They were punched and hit with clubs and hakapiks.
There is photographic evidence of this vicious and unprovoked attack at the link provided in this petition.
We are officially requesting that assault charges be laid against the sealers responsible. The bottom line is that crew members were taking pictures of the seal slaughter and were assaulted and injured.
This is unacceptable behaviour and has no place in a civilised society.We are asking that these people be held accountable for their actions that day and are prosecuted to the fullest extent of Canadian law.
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The WE THE UNDERSIGNED DEMAND JUSTICE FOR ATTACKED SEAL PROTESTORS petition to CANADIAN PRIME MINISTER MARTIN was written by Sarah Williams and is in the category Human Rights at GoPetition.