We stand with Israel against Terror and Provocation
- Q Society of Australia Inc
- Closed on

- Target:
- Embassy of Israel
- Region:
- Australia
Thank You all for putting your name where your heart lies.
Unproductive taxpayer-funded elements and noisy rent-a-crowd activists always have time on their hands to organise a 'spontaneous demonstration' to express their 'outrage' and condemn Israel. All the while decent Aussies are working to earn the taxes to support Australia's finest examples of our multicultural welfare state.
So for those good people standing with Israel in this time of need, but too busy to paint banners and go out into the streets, here's a forum to show where our loyalties lie.
Israelis, who are not only Jews but - amongst others - also Christians, Atheists, Moslems, Humanist and Buddhists, live at the razor-sharp edge of the blade which Islamic state-sponsored fascism and world-wide Islamic terrorism holds at the throat of all civilised nations. Let us not forget Israel is the only truly democratic and free nation respecting the rule of law and separation of powers in this part of the world, a lone outpost of Western civilisation.
Those 'peace activists' aboard the vessel 'Marvi Marmara' (which was part of this so-called 'aid convoy') waited with arms at the ready and attacked most viciously the moment Israeli defence force personnel boarded. These elements come from the same school as those firing RPGs from school grounds and shooting their AK47s hidden behind pregnant women pushing prams.
Instead of scolding Israel for defending it's citizens from more terror, our politicians and media should condemn 'Hamas' and their 5th brigade for organising this provocation, which led only to more unnecessary bloodshed, senseless death and suffering.
We intend to hand our 'Letter of Support' with all signatory names to the Embassy of Israel in Australia.
We, the undersigned hereby express our friendship with the people of Israel. The State of Israel has every right to self-defense and protection of its sovereignty. Furthermore, Israel - like any other state - has the obligation to prevent further terrorism activities against its citizens. We condemn the calculated and provocative actions of 'Hamas' and their 5th column of useful idiots in the West.
The responsibility for the bloodshed on board the vessel 'Marvi Marmara' off the coast of Israel is the result of planned and calculated provocations, and lies squarely at the feet of 'Hamas', their financiers and facilitators, as well as their misguided supporters.
Australia's media and our politicians should be ashamed for not seeing behind this perverse act of provocation.
At least we stand with Israel against terrorism.
The We stand with Israel against Terror and Provocation petition to Embassy of Israel was written by Q Society of Australia Inc and is in the category International Affairs at GoPetition.