We Stand With David Pringle on raising the level of neglect awareness for children
- Target:
- The People of Georgia and NJ, President Barack Obama, U.S. Senate and House Leaders of Both Parties
- Region:
- United States of America
- Website:
- www.millermediators.com
Georgia is besieged by unwritten laws -- more mothers than fathers are granted custody of their children in the United States regardless if neglect is present or not. Children continue to suffer at varying levels that go with it — untreated infections, unsanitary conditions, mental and emotional abuse, and immoral influences. And the Federal government has done NOTHING to stop it.
More single mothers than fathers are in the news for killing their children. Fathers are having custody taken away despite hundreds of documents showing they are the primary caretaker for their children.
I STAND WITH David Pringle!
I stand against the neglect of children and ask that the level of neglect awareness be raised.
I stand against the Federal government's refusal to take children out of neglectful environments and enforce the law.
I support David’s lone, brave fight to raise the level of neglect on children so we may vote on new legislation.
I reject any slander or aspersions against the People of the state of Georgia or New Jersey that the current laws are not working as truth: Requesting legislators to take new laws seriously and protect the health, safety, and welfare of its children’s first.
I call on the United States government to start doing its job according to the Constitution: Protect the children.
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The We Stand With David Pringle on raising the level of neglect awareness for children petition to The People of Georgia and NJ, President Barack Obama, U.S. Senate and House Leaders of Both Parties was written by David J. Pringle and is in the category Justice at GoPetition.