- Target:
- Government of Canada
- Region:
- Canada
2009 Murder gets 5 years in a hospital for killing innocent on bus.
2006 Saskatoon inmates get porno and pizza party for new years.
2005 Repeat pedophile gets an 18 month sentence.
2004 Yet another repeat paedophile receives 1 yr sentence.
mid - late 90s Liberals allow inmates to vote; yet an individual who has never committed a crime has to go under heavy scrutiny to own hunting rifle.
We, the undersigned demand that the government of Canada allow its citizens the RIGHT to an actual justice system not a legal system.
We want to see the people who deserve it pay for their crimes against the citizenry of this great nation. And not for the honest law abiding of us to be scared to go out side.
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The We need a justice system not a legal system petition to Government of Canada was written by Brian Oster and is in the category Law Reform at GoPetition.