Global Community Officials, Leaders, Servants, and Revolutionaries
United States of America

Searching For The Courageous Ones; As We Fight On For Our Human Rights.

Global Community Indictment (We charge MURDER/ CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY!): We charge that Dr. Fauci and his career cohorts ( https://youtu.be/7iP-nYjGLUY / https://youtu.be/wFqDiZ4j0Ho ) aren't championing the most optimal trajectory for health concerning the global community. We charge that these globalist elite are (for the most part) only assisting corporations to meet quotas. When you purposely suppress vitamins, minerals, therapies, and (low-cost) medicines that could assist the immune system about "quickly" healing the body, it's called medical malpractice, and/or MURDER.

The globalist media cabal must be exposed as well for being a mouthpiece unto the deception/corruption.

"I CAN BREATHE!" In loving memory of everyone who unnecessarily lost their life due to the "fraudulent economic model and corrupt bureaucratic state" about Covid-19.

No matter how much marching and protesting goes on, and no matter how many inexpensive but wonderful therapies (apart from the toxic but lucrative loop about vaccines) there are (however, suppressed) to fight viruses (of any kind), notice how (through their mainstream media propaganda arm) the satanic/luciferian/(false) Zionist/hidden hand/ globalist elite won't let you stray too far from the leash/plantation concerning the fraudulent economic model of "testing, tracking/tracing, and treatment. The satanic globalist elite (as if in a fishing contest) will give you just enough slack to express emotionally, and yet, not enough slack to allow humanity to leave that fraudulent economic model about the open-air enslavement paradigm (that we've all allowed them to create through our participation, fear, ignorance and/or acquiescence), or to reach the "main agenda" of what remains lucrative concerning "their" hoarding rituals and monopolizing interests.

[check out: https://www.uticaphoenix.net/2020/06/13/lockdown-lunacy-the-thinking-persons-guide/ also https://lifepetitions.com/petition/no-mandatory-vaccine-for-covid-19 (petition against mandatory vaccination) and vaxxter.com also visforvaccine.com also https://vaccineinjury.info/ and askdrbuttar.com/facemask ( https://youtu.be/wPJ3nhCDVns ) also [More about "masks" ( https://youtu.be/HqLISfw8oeY ) Follow the money. ( https://trendingupinvestor.com/blackrock-turns-out-to-be-a-primary-investor-in-3m-mask-company/ )] also https://fosteringwellness.net/the-amish-dont-get-autism-but-they-also-dont-vaccinate/ also shiva4senate.com/petition:#firefauci [Repeal the 1962 Vaccination Assistance Act ( shiva4senate.com/health-rights-act )] and "Andrew Saul Covid-19 Webinar Sessions 1-4" [ https://youtu.be/zjP3JkX7SUs ( https://youtu.be/HUC-i8u_cQU ) ( https://youtu.be/MCBRMFBVzi0 ) ( https://youtu.be/Au-mp6RZjCQ )] also ( https://youtu.be/gsKahkRwNp0 ) along with "Dr. Judy Mikovits interviews wherever you can find her voice" ( londonreal.tv/mikovits )] also londonreal.tv/kaufman and londonreal.tv/cahill as well as londonreal.tv/buttar also londonreal.tv/wakefield and londonreal.tv/tenpenny also londonreal.tv/bigtree also https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/covid-coup-blackrock-takeover-american-interests/id1121126451?i=1000478531811 (Revelation 17:16/Ahab and Jezebel) [contact your representatives (to start with): Department of Justice at 202-514-2000/202-353-1555 ( justice.gov/contact-us ) and/or house.gov and/or usa.gov/state-governor and/or senate.gov and/or whitehouse.gov/contact and/or 202-224-3121]

For Readers: https://www.skyhorsepublishing.com/9781510752245/plague-of-corruption/ also https://www.omnia-veritas.com/shop/murder-by-injection/ also https://www.chelseagreen.com/product/the-invisible-rainbow/ also http://thinkchoice.com/millers_review.htm also http://orthomolecular.activehosted.com/index.php?action=social&chash=a8baa56554f96369ab93e4f3bb068c22.146&s=c7ae1002d2f579a22c16a1b89c854212 also https://www.medfoxpub.com/medicalnews/pr/201401081/Allan-Smith-Today/

Something more to ponder: https://www.thelastamericanvagabond.com/daily-wrap-up/id2020-defector-speaks-on-techno-solutionism-with-immunity-passports-the-vaccine-deception/ also https://youtu.be/h5GH_O9GBxU also https://www.corbettreport.com/fact-check-polio-vaccines-tetanus-vaccines-and-the-gates-foundation/ also https://youtu.be/ll__gWch99E also https://www.instagram.com/tv/CB1if4AHLU_/?igshid=kbyrk1qhv4n7 also https://youtu.be/cFtH20DKFIQ also https://youtu.be/yfXVce34A78 ( https://youtu.be/Rw57rkgisrc ) also https://youtu.be/Ggl-cS4sSiw also https://www.corbettreport.com/gates/ also https://youtu.be/Vn3EE7EMfXc also https://youtu.be/bW35gqj7o8g also [(truth and humor) https://youtu.be/g4J46Fikdww / https://youtu.be/WLnnoonA370 ] also https://youtu.be/Gm5lQHYyzZc also https://youtu.be/IJhZC6AYTlU also https://youtu.be/zUG_t_kFCuU also https://youtu.be/nW-sCKqpJx4 also https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2020/04/21/bill-gates-political-power.aspx also https://youtu.be/3yk3xezML8Q also https://youtu.be/UWIqissfZHg also https://youtu.be/esDfuS8JdE0 also https://youtu.be/Zf5OObuoG8I also https://youtu.be/ExrrJIcOZ90 also https://youtu.be/zcY4fBE0vEo also [(sound of courageous feminine voices) sheroes https://youtu.be/TWYXdQ35kNw ] also https://youtu.be/boar6Tv65zY

En Español: https://youtu.be/6jvx1MHow-g tambien https://youtu.be/nTATlnLKJ30 (Prof. Delores Cahill) tambien https://youtu.be/BgIg3P1o3sg tambien https://youtu.be/yBKRdk5kntU tambien https://youtu.be/xWg_qwt7AkI tambien https://youtu.be/GoaV9MuZMVg tambien https://youtu.be/UbfcFj-ep6M tambien https://youtu.be/Y2iv1w8YErM tambien https://youtu.be/_ArAXHzWvac tambien https://youtu.be/Ueei7Buwpb8 tambien https://youtu.be/9xAdc2TfaPk tambien https://youtu.be/AF9VCQUC9To tambien https://youtu.be/mieSJEMJZrE tambien https://youtu.be/4wfXisCWZBY tambien https://youtu.be/M7jDAuyxy_w tambien https://youtu.be/aBMohG7Vel8 tambien https://youtu.be/x6_TVqSCcUE tambien https://youtu.be/Kt2OC3e_M-4 tambien https://youtu.be/di17_zYPH-0/ ( https://youtu.be/v6BgLZV-hGM )

En Portuguese: https://youtu.be/CECMzDhVajE

Personal sharing: I prefer vitamin C, Vitamin D3+K2 ( https://youtu.be/L1kuNL99kUA ), B-complex, laetrile ( apricotpower.com ), chlorella, zinc, and selenium. Also add green, nettle, and dandelion teas. Destroy the invaders force field (or protein) with your laetrile missile; and then attack the invaders after bulking up your destroyer cells with the rest . To crush the agenda of wickedness, we must love and nurse each other back to optimal health globally (1 Corinthians 13:13). Share information and resources... GLOBALLY. ( https://youtu.be/HUC-i8u_cQU also https://youtu.be/Rw57rkgisrc also https://youtu.be/zjP3JkX7SUs )

Final note: If you truly want to assist nursing home residents during the covid-19 manipulation scheme, offer less territory to the pharmaceutical industry, whose products take up just as much space as the residents that they're medically and financially abusing. Offer high dose vitamin (nutrition) therapy, teas, an organic juice bar, and nutritional meals that assist the body in healing as God intended. Repent of the psychological/spiritual operations, and be aware that you've already been warned.

We must all raise (publicly) a banner for nutrition therapy over chemical (vaccine) treatment. The elite will either honor your decision, or get wrapped in the worthlessness of their manipulated scripts about legislation, and flushed out of the global community righteously.


Apart from individual lawsuits against public officials who do harm to public health and safety by enforcing draconian recommendations, mandates, and edicts from foundations and health organizations, it's time to initiate a global fund for an open- discussion conference and a class action lawsuit of doctors, scientists, healthcare and other professionals concerning fraud due to manipulated numbers and research about health data and omitted therapies that could have kept thousands from dying from the "virus" that is better known as Covid-19/SARS-CoV-2. We reserve the right to use the therapy/therapies of our choosing to fight any virus. We also reserve the right to refuse therapy/therapies [(including vaccines and related devices (patches, etc.)]; which render treatments of all types to never be enforced as being "mandatory." We reserve the right to receive monitored therapeutic treatment/treatments (to fight any virus) from the licensed healthcare provider/providers of our choosing [which could include (but not limited to) doctors and healthcare professionals from the homeopathic, mental health, and spiritual health communities respectively]. We demand a list of all companies whose products are being, and have been used to enforce draconian measures against the public concerning"testing, contact tracing/tracking, and treatment" ( https://www.uticaphoenix.net/2020/06/13/lockdown-lunacy-the-thinking-persons-guide/ ). We also demand a list of all public and private investors about said companies (which would too include stock market investments). We reserve the right to legally pursue restitution from any person (private citizen/company) who have invested in and benefited from companies and products that are/were used in serving the purpose of "testing, tracking/tracing, treatment", and such other draconian measures. We demand a five year moratorium on all vaccines "globally" [Dr. Judy Mikovits ( londonreal.tv/mikovits )] until large-scale safety studies are done and evaluated for approval by scientists and physicians from many/various disciplines "globally." Check out: https://lifepetitions.com/petition/no-mandatory-vaccine-for-covid-19 also vaxxter.com also visforvaccine.com and https://vaccineinjury.info/ also askdrbuttar.com/facemask ( https://youtu.be/wPJ3nhCDVns ) ( https://youtu.be/SLPRBCNIkCY ) also shiva4senate.com/petition:#firefauci [Repeal the 1962 Vaccination Assistance Act ( shiva4senate.com/health-rights-act )] as well as londonreal.tv/kaufman and londonreal.tv/cahill as well as londonreal.tv/buttar also [ londonreal.tv/wakefield ( http://1986theact.com/ )] and londonreal.tv/tenpenny also londonreal.tv/bigtree also https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/covid-coup-blackrock-takeover-american-interests/id1121126451?i=1000478531811 (Revelation 17:16/ Ahab and Jezebel) (Contact your "representatives" (to start with): Department of Justice ( justice.gov/contact-us ) and/or house.gov and/or usa.gov/state-governor and/or senate.gov and/or whitehouse.gov/contact and/or 202-224-3121)

Global Community Indictment (We charge MURDER/ CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY!): We charge that Dr. Fauci and his career cohorts ( https://youtu.be/7iP-nYjGLUY / https://youtu.be/wFqDiZ4j0Ho ) aren't championing the most optimal trajectory for health concerning the global community. We charge that these globalist elite are (for the most part) only assisting corporations to meet quotas. When you purposely suppress vitamins, minerals, therapies, and (low-cost) medicines that could assist the immune system about "quickly" healing the body, it's called medical malpractice, and/or MURDER.

The globalist media cabal must be exposed as well for being a mouthpiece unto the deception/corruption.

It's time to let the people go! (Matthew 24:37-39 and Exodus 9:1) (1 Samuel 8) (Revelation 3: 7-13) [( https://youtu.be/w9cAHLgOm0g also https://youtu.be/Nww2ggX76m4 )] also ( https://youtu.be/gScl2h9Ruws ) ( https://youtu.be/7czl47fgjsk ) ( https://youtu.be/GVjketUc3qA ) ( https://youtu.be/Ts1yICYdHC8 )(Romans 10:9-10)


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The WE CHARGE! petition to Global Community Officials, Leaders, Servants, and Revolutionaries was written by Generation Love and is in the category Health at GoPetition.