- Target:
- Warner Brothers
- Region:
- Website:
- www.iamjoker.com
This petition is now closed.
This petition was created by me, John Patrick Evans, as part of my campaign to screen test for the role of Joker in the upcoming 'Batman Begins' sequel.
Many names have been tossed around for the role of The Joker in Warner
Brothers upcoming sequel to 'Batman Begins', but here's one you may not
have heard yet: John Patrick Evans. That's me.
While you may not recognize my name, I
believe that my take on the character is worth the filmmakers having a serious look at. Of course, I wouldn't expect you to take me word for it, so I have created a teaser of me as The Joker, which you can view by clicking the link to my website above.
I am asking Warner Brothers to allow me a screen test for the part. Watch my video, sign the petition and help me show them what I can do.
The Warner Brothers: Let John Patrick Evans Audition for The Joker! petition to Warner Brothers was written by Anonymous and is in the category Arts & Entertainment at GoPetition.