- Target:
- Global Peace Organisations and World Citizen Groups
- Region:
- Website:
- www.globalcitizensforpeace.com
Global Citizens for Peace http://www.globalcitizensforpeace.com/ is a Global alliance of individuals and organizations dedicated to building a world of peace in which we all live in freedom, harmony, cooperation and co-prosperity.
The vision of Global Citizens for Peace is to contribute towards the creation of a Planetary Peace Culture looking to life and common humanism as the core values for a sustainable society.
We have, over the millennia, translated ourselves from "oneness to aloneness". This acquired state of aloneness and alienation causes considerable discomfort. The truth is that all life on the planet is connected. GCFP attempts to understand our predicament and illuminate our future potential.
We have come together as concerned Global citizens realizing that with increasing Global population requiring more and more resources, with tremendous inequality of distribution, our planet is reaching breaking point in terms of economic and ecological crises.
This is having profound social and cultural effects. We require urgent ecological, social, economic and political solutions to problems which affect billions of people if we are to survive sustainably.
The Global Citizens For Peace aims to contribute towards this next great global step - The Final Frontier, acknowledging the common ground of humanity and our connectedness with all life.
Humankind has reached a state of development in which old modes of thinking and behaving threaten to destroy our planet. A substantially new manner of thinking is required if Humankind is to survive.
The essence of a sustainable future lies in the creation of a Transnational Peace Culture in which the quality of life of the individual Human Being and their positive contribution to society is paramount.
The Transnational Peace Culture
Is life affirming and transcends national and regional barriers
Is based on the deepest values of humanity;
Is the essence of human rights and existence;
Expresses the oneness of all humanity.
You also have the opportunity to give us your vision of the future in no more than 200 words in the comment on target section.We will publish the collated visions on our website www.globalcitizensforpeace.com and in a book.
Each Global Peace Representative will receive:
A Citation http://www.newparadigmjournal.com/May2007/gcfp.htm
The GCFP newsletter
Access to GCFP Google Net Discussion Group , tele-conferencing- and a range of other benefits which will be added over time.
As a Global Peace Representative I vote for a Global Transnational Peace Culture based on these core principles and 10 Pillars for a Sustainable Peaceful Civilisation .
Core Principles
• We assert the unalienable rights of all People to engage in full and open debate on all issues pertaining to their Governance and their individual freedom without threats or coercions from any source.
• We assert the free flowing openness of dialogue which is the inalienable right of a truly Global democratic society so that the truth of any situation may be asserted.
• We also express the fact that the roots of Global society are based on love of liberty, individual freedom and cooperation.
The Ten Pillars for a Sustainable Peaceful Civilisation
• Re-evaluate ourselves as the prime cause of the planetary problems we are facing, and continue to re-evaluate.
• Respect the inherent value in every single human being.
• Respect the vastly unexplored complexity of ecosystems and life in all its forms, and the world's diverse cultures, including the open, constructive, peace-loving and responsible integrity which is evolving in Humanity.
• Create a planetary peace and ecological culture (i.e. a sustainable civilization).
• To positively evolve regarding issues of consumption and economy, through changes in consciousness, value systems, needs, and education.
• To recognize human potential as a prerequisite to the development of true Civilization including the power of the mind to devise appropriate technologies and enlightened strategies.
• To use communication technology and the media and educational systems as a strategic vehicle to unite humanity for peace and non violence rather than for war.
• To integrate scientific disciplines and scientific knowledge with consciousness.
• To create universal access to the world's knowledge and use innovative forms of education, which recapture the essence and heart of education for life.
• To promote economic empowerment of the developing world, by developed countries, to aid in all human development.
You can further help this campaign by sponsoring it
The Vote for Global Peace and become a Global Citizen petition to Global Peace Organisations and World Citizen Groups was written by Dr Michael Ellis and is in the category Politics at GoPetition.