- Target:
- President George W. Bush and all 535 member of the United States Congress
- Region:
- United States of America
Victim's Harvest Bill of Human Rights ---- HR XXXX
The sole determined purpose of this humble petition is for The United States of America to finally ensure that death sentence criminals who have been convicted of capital crimes against mankind pay for their heinous and vicious crimes against our society by enacting a lock-tight comprehensive Congressional Federal law or amendment --- that is Supreme Court appeal proof --- that convicted death penalty criminals shall have to forfeit their bodies immediately after last appeal is exhausted with no death row waiting and become instant organ donors.
Basically, any criminal who has been convicted of a capital crime in or against the United States of America has to instantly forfeit his body organs as a federal punishment to atone for his crimes to society. The revised death sentence appeals process will now also be limited to two calendar years after conviction. This new law will supercede, overwrite and replace any state or federal law and will be applied no matter what may be the criminal's religion, faith, color, creed, belief's, sex, sexual orientation or whatever possible reason.
Any criminal that believes he needs his body parts for his or her next life will have still to suffer the consequences of the new law. The convicted death sentence criminal will be given ample notice by the passing of this new Federal Law or amendment that any capital death sentence offense now carries this new instant organ donor provision, therefore any religious, spiritual or personal concerns are deemed invalid and irrelevant due to the severity of the capital crime and the public notice.
Any financial gain or proceeds from distribution of the victim's organs, skin, bones, eyes, kidney's, heart, lungs or any conceivable use of his body shall go directly to the victim's family or families. The victim's family shall be the sole determiner of the financial rewards and have a limited say on who gets the body parts if needed by other victims of the crime or family members.
The harvest of the victim's organs should be done in the most absolute painless and humane way possible so as not to cause any cruel and unusual punishment, but not to lose any useable part of the anatomy.
A very small benefit --- totally useless in my opinion, but worth mentioning --- of this new VHBOHR, it may also serve as a possible deterrent for any future crimes, although this is not a reason for future passage or my respectful, humble request for your consideration or signature..
The convicted criminal or any anti-death penalty groups who feel this is somehow a possible violation of the new donor's human or civil rights have the option of making a further cash donation to the victim's families or offering a prayer or petition for the painless harvest of the convicted capital criminal. The opposition voices to the VHBOHR shall be drowned out by the anguished cries of the victims for justice and true punishment and shall never be heard or even considered.
The only single drawback is that this new law or amendment is that it will not apply to all current convicts living on death row at the present time.
With American society now rampant and constantly besieged by new child sex predator killers, perverted rapists/killers, murderers, cop killers, terrorists in custody here and in Guantanamo, and all types of capital crime death row felons, it has now become apparent that America has to seek proper justice, punishment, restitution and recompense for the crimes committed by these convicts for the victims of these atrocities.
It is now time for America's Victims to harvest the organs or the convicted criminals, so in death they can become repentant if possible, whether forced in the end to donate their organs or willfully donated. Hopefully some will leave this world feeling better that they have paid for their sins and crimes and given life to their fellow members of society.
I can assure you that most death row inmates believe in a life after death and by enacting this law, the new Victim's Harvest Bill of Human Right's Bill, the donor's will come to have a sense of peace and atonement and come to believe that their actions will maybe help them in some small way in their next life.
Respectfully submitted for your signature.
We sign this petition for the United States of America to finally ensure that death sentence criminals who have been convicted of capital crimes against mankind pay for their heinous and vicious crimes against our society by enacting a lock-tight comprehensive Congressional Federal law or amendment --- that is Supreme Court appeal proof --- that convicted death penalty criminals shall have to forfeit their bodies immediately after last appeal is exhausted with no death row waiting and become instant organ donors.
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The Victims Harvest Bill of Human Rights ---- HR XXXX petition to President George W. Bush and all 535 member of the United States Congress was written by Stephen J. Salerno and is in the category Government at GoPetition.