URGENT: DON'T LET YARRA COUNCIL AXE FUNDING for the Urban Agriculture Facilitator position
- Peta Christensen
- Closed on

- Target:
- City of Yarra
- Region:
- Australia
This petition is now closed. Thank you to everyone who signed. The petition will be presented to the City of Yarra Council meeting where the proposed budget cuts will be discussed. Your signatures will send a strong message to the council about the extreme importance of Urban Agriculture and the need for their ongoing commitment to this area.
Yarra Council has dumped its widely recognised Urban Agriculture program from this years draft budget. The current funding for the Urban Agriculture Officer's position and approx $50,000 for public gardening projects has been cut.
Last year the same cuts were made in the draft budget but following a record number of community submissions and petitions protesting the cuts, the funding was reinstated into the final budget. This years draft budget is now out for community consultation until Wednesday the 13th May. If you oppose these cuts please sign the petition and make a comment about why you feel the role should be maintained.
AS the single most effective way of reducing our environmental footprint, ‘foodmiles’ & foodwaste to landfill (responsible for around 40% of greenhouse emissions) growing & sharing food locally gives our diverse community increased access to healthy activity; fresh, nutritious food, neighbourhood connectivity, skillsharing, social enterprise opportunities and local resilience in a time of rising transported food costs, population densification and climate change.
WE, the under-signed residents & supporters of City of Yarra’s stated priority of : “STRENGTHENING URBAN AGRICULTURE” (in Council-initiated surveys, and as a transparent commitment to our community in Council Plan 2013-2017) are deeply disturbed that ongoing funding for Yarra’s innovative, successful and widely recognised leadership in local Urban Agriculture initiatives has been axed from Councils 2015/16 Draft Budget.
The URGENT: DON'T LET YARRA COUNCIL AXE FUNDING for the Urban Agriculture Facilitator position petition to City of Yarra was written by Peta Christensen and is in the category Environment at GoPetition.