- Target:
- Parents and Families
- Region:
- Canada
Stats Can. indicates that approximately 9-12% of children requiring space in early learning programs do not have access to it.
In Toronto, those who do qualify are put on a waiting list of over 11,000 families.
The most recent government subsidies provided have only been recognized to assist the middle & high income families because there was already previous subsides provided for low income families. The low income subsidies are very minimal.
Our Mission:
To petition the federal and provincial government to change the daycare policy in favour of universal daycare. Doing this will allow for families of any income level to have the option of sending their children to daycare.
Our goal is to:
-Eliminate waiting list in Canada;
-Reduce late arrival fees by 50% from $1 a minute to 50¢ a minute;
-Allow different income level families to have options.
You can further help this campaign by sponsoring it
The Universal Day care In Toronto petition to Parents and Families was written by UniversalDaycareForALL and is in the category Law Reform at GoPetition.