Residents of Jamaica

The unemployment rate in Jamaica has increase from 9.26% in 2007 to 13.19% in 2016 according to Statista.com Jamaica unemployment rate from 2007-2017.
High poverty level is, which is reported to be 14.5% according to jamaica-gleaner.com article publish on July 07, 2017. Social scientists and public (people in charge of something) have long identified poorness as a "root cause" of crime or, at least, as a significant "risk factor." Such a (proof that one thing definitely causes another) linkage was made by Roman (male ruler of a country) Marcus Aurelius (121-180 (years after the year 1)), who declared, "Poorness is the mother of crime."
During the 1960s, Lawyer General Ramsey Clark wanted everyone to understand that the United States government needed to combat crime by improving the terrible conditions under which very poor people were living. What followed was lots of social programs aimed at doing just that. Although many people (who lawfully live in a country, state, etc.) benefited and improved their lot in life, crime remained an uncontrollable/uncurable problem.

The employment rate in Jamaica has increase over the years from 9.26% in 2007 to 13.19% in 2016 according to Statista.com Jamaica unemployment rate from 2007-2017. High percentage of unemployment will lend to high poverty level is also expected, which is reported to be 14.5% according to jamaica-gleaner.com article publish on July 07, 2017. Unemployed individual will not be able to provide for their families, some will turn to illegal activities just to make a dollar.
What can we do to fix this?
There are already a lot of institutions that offer training for person, but there age is an issue because some institutions students have to be between 16-25 year old . Build training institution for older persons which gives benefits such as free tuition or fee lunches. Variety of training like road construction, highway engineering, carpentry, thing that are always in demand. Employ our own residents to help increase the country economy position which in return will also lessen poverty. Build businesses on unused/ vacant land. Businesses such as community business centers, training offices, small carpentry office.
Let’s increase our country employment level one step at a time

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The Unemployment rate in Jamaica petition to Residents of Jamaica was written by Jody-Ann Curtis and is in the category Employment at GoPetition.

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