Police Chief Lawrence Revell, Sheriff Walt McNeil, Mayor John Dailey
United States of America

Wrongful deaths of African-Americans by officers within police systems nationwide are direct results of a narrative between races which ages longer than any of us reading the headlines. To ignore the past, is to ignore the present, and forfeit the future. Together, we can overcome the unbalanced scales of justice by enforcing change one local police force at a time--For the sake of the grieving families; for the sake of national peace; for the sake of our Constitutional equity!

We, Faith Life Church of Tallahassee and local community, petition our public safety officials to:

#1 - Create and enforce a NEW zero-tolerance de-escalation policy and training thereof. Versus the current deescalation "best practices" most uniformed officers follow now, such new POLICY would demand rather than desire that specific de-escalation procedures are verifiably (body cams, bystander cams, dash-cams, etc) followed during arrival on scene, arrest, OR detainment. Failure to adhere to such policy, which results in a subject fatality or attempt thereof, would lead to automatic indictment of the responding officers (pending investigation). This policy will eliminate or at least mitigate the frequent subjectivity we've seen in cases as of late, regarding whether or not officers should be charged for their heinous and negligent acts.

#2 - Create and enforce a mandatory Interracial "Back-Up" Response Policy and training thereof for response calls/response teams. When multiple officers (interracial/diverse in representation) respond to a scene, accountability and good judgement inevitably increases. A non-diverse team of officers should NOT be allowed, per policy, to respond to calls in diverse/densely minority populated areas of the community. Again, this policy will eliminate or at least mitigate the breaches of badge integrity we've seen against minorities.

There is much more policy reform to be done, but this is where we START. We can't heal a nation from the inside out; that requires personal decisions. --But we can influence a nation from the outside in, which puts a ton of pressure ON those "decisions". LOVE and EQUALITY is the only real equation of freedom. With your help signing this petition, Faith Life Church of Tallahassee, can partner alongside YOU & this community to invoke real CHANGE here first, which will subsequently (we hope) inspire neighboring cities and states. Our vision is that the functionality of these new policies will become as unconsciously automatic as the reading of miranda rights!

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The Two (2) NEW De-Escalation Policies & Training for TPD and LCSO petition to Police Chief Lawrence Revell, Sheriff Walt McNeil, Mayor John Dailey was written by Darius Washington and is in the category Justice at GoPetition.