
Lucifer is an American fantasy police procedural drama television series developed by Tom Kapinos that premiered on Fox on January 25, 2016. It features a character created by Neil Gaiman, Sam Kieth, and Mike Dringenberg taken from the comic book series The Sandman, who later became the protagonist of the spin-off comic book series Lucifer written by Mike Carey, both published by DC Comics' Vertigo imprint.

I strongly believe that the TV show Lucifer that was sadly cancelled recently due to ratings should be revived into the form of a video game from SEASON 1-3 honestly because it'll give fans a chance to live their favorite TV show through the lens of a video game! It would attract more fans! So please Vertigo or whoever WE, The Fans ON ALL CONSOLES SO IF YOU ARE A FAN OF LUCIFER PLEASE SIGN THIS PETITION

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The Turn The TV Show (LUCIFER) into a video game petition to Ubisoft was written by Charlie Romanov and is in the category Gaming at GoPetition.