Isle of Wight Council
United Kingdom

I, the undersigned, oppose all three options that the Isle of Wight Council has proposed to reform education on the Isle of Wight.

The leading Conservative party have put forward three options to change the existing education system - all 3 see AT LEAST 28 schools closing - 23 of which are successful primary schools which are in the TOP 10% of the country.

This review should offer an exciting vision for the future, such as maintaining quality provision, phasing in change, reducing class sizes and taking into account the wider role that primary schools play in our communities. Instead it offers the wholesale slaughter of our successful primary sector whilst paying scant regard to the need for all our schools to be supported and nurtured.

There are plenty of alternatives to the three proposals which could be done to improve standards. Councillors need to listen to teaching staff and people who work in schools - most are there because they truly want the best for the young people of the Island and think they deserve a quality education!

If enough signatures are received, this will be printed off and delivered to the Council.

We, Parents Voice, Standards-Not-Tiers, WightPAPER and all other signatories are unanimous in calling for the following from our elected members with regards to the Isle of Wight's educational proposals:

1. A statement - to the effect that no decisions on the future of our children’s education should be made until the Council has heard and taken full account of what all stakeholders think.

2. Information on the process so far – to provide a full and clear history and analysis of all the responses received so far relating to the currently proposed educational reforms. Provide clear information to show how the March 2007 education proposals were arrived at, including a clear explanation of the year 9 proposal.

3. Establish key principles by using the next phase of (formal) consultation to enable ALL those involved in education, including parents and children, to meet and set these principles, which will guide the next phase of consultation and put the needs of our children first.

4. Provide detailed information on every proposal with detailed and clearly presented facts so that those responding can give an informed judgement, based on the specific implications for their area. This must include information on how each option will be funded and the implications that may arise as a result of these funding proposals. For example the tying of funding to trust or foundation status which takes schools out of local control or the use of PFI (Private Finance Initiative) money that may result in commercial interests overriding educational concerns.

5. Publication of ALL the possible options with a response form, to be sent in the post to every parent, teacher and ancillary worker and the setting up of a dedicated consultation website. This should be followed by the publication of fully documented results, in easily understood formats and the rationale for decisions explained.

6. More effective communication from the council, to ensure that information, including the time scale, options, feedback and all consultation responses, analysis and conclusions, is easily accessible in a variety of formats, which can be understood by all concerned.

7. An informative and open approach is required from The Isle of Wight Council, to enable informed views and opinions to be provided by all stakeholders. A truly inclusive and easy to understand consultation, such as that recently conducted by Leicestershire County Council, www.leics.gov.uk/meltonvob will allow us to have collective ownership of the solution and give this Island the best chance to make it make it a centre for excellence in education.

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The True Consultation for Isle of Wight Education Reforms petition to Isle of Wight Council was written by Paul Critchley and is in the category Education at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

education consultation IOW