- Target:
- Treyarch
- Region:
- Website:
- www.pcgamer.com
Today i was browsing the web when i found a website with the new Black Ops 2, and what they are trying to do is going to screw up the call of duty games AGAIN!
Like the removed parts:
No MOAB or Nuke <------- *
No last stand
No death streaks <------- **
No flame thrower attachment
* We all love the moab and the nuke wtf are you thinking treyarch.
** And we all know that death streaks, even if a bit annoying, they help! not every one has a aim bot like aim!
I am here today as a Call Of Duty player worried about the path that Call of duty games are taking.
personalty i think that after MW2 the CoD games just went downhill, sure they added some good things too, but the bad things speak louder.
sign up to this petition if you want a balanced cod game instead of the black ops hit boxes or the modern warfare 3 over powered weapons, and if you want to feel that feeling of joy when you ear the "Tactical nuke ready for deployment" or "MOAB ready for your go!" sounds.
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The Treyarch STOP screwing up Call of Duty petition to Treyarch was written by Alexandre Alves and is in the category Gaming at GoPetition.