Ronnie Steinberg
United States of America

Records indicate that Tennessee Senator Bob Corker has not held a town hall meeting since 2012 which is completely unacceptable. At a minimum Senator Corker's constituents demand a town hall meeting in every city where he has an official headquarters. We demand a town hall meeting where our concerns can be voiced calling his offices more 0ften than not results in busy signals or a full mailbox. Emails and faxes are not being responded to. This behavior is not how democratically elected officials conduct themselves. Since the inception of the United States of America, our democracy has been founded on the greatest of all ideals: representation of the people, for the people, with a voice to be heard by all. Our voices are not being heard and therefore we demand town hall meetings with Corker.

Records indicate that Tennessee Senator Bob Corker has not held a town hall meeting since 2012 which is completely unacceptable. At a minimum Senator Corker's constituents demand a town hall meeting in every city where he has an official headquarters. We demand a town hall meeting where our concerns can be voiced calling his offices more 0ften than not results in busy signals or a full mailbox. Emails and faxes are not being responded to. This behavior is not how democratically elected officials conduct themselves. Since the inception of the United States of America, our democracy has been founded on the greatest of all ideals: representation of the people, for the people, with a voice to be heard by all. Our voices are not being heard and therefore we demand town hall meetings with Corker. Let him hear your voice. Sign the petition and please forward to your friends and loved ones.

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The Town Hall Meeting. Tennessee Senator Bob Corker. petition to Ronnie Steinberg was written by Ronnie Steinberg and is in the category Government at GoPetition.