To give LLM and LLB students the opportunity to sit for the February 2021 bar examination
- Target:
- NY State Board of Law Examiners
- Region:
- United States of America
- Website:
Yesterday, the New York State Board of Law Examiners (BOLE) released a statement barring the LLM graduates from applying to the February 2021 bar exam on November 1st. This decision was not applied for the 2020 July bar exam.
Today, thousands of LLMs who support the cost of living in New York, organize their life, both personal and professional, around this exam and completed all other steps to be a New York lawyer are deprived of this opportunity without any explanation but for their citizenship.
Tomorrow, what will happen to the LLMs who were pushed by the BOLE to register for the February bar last July? To the re-takers who have the right to a second chance? To the LLB students who cannot sit for the exam since last July? To the first bar takers who put their lifes on hold? To the next LLM students whose investments are not secured anymore?
When asked why this decision, the BOLE replied that the situation is as it is. When asked if LLM graduates would be authorized to apply during the second application period after November 15th, the BOLE did not answer.
We , the undersigned, ask the New York State Board of Law Examiners to give the LLM students the right to register for the February 2021 Bar Examination
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The To give LLM and LLB students the opportunity to sit for the February 2021 bar examination petition to NY State Board of Law Examiners was written by Анастасия Петренко and is in the category Students' Rights at GoPetition.