- Target:
- Gearbox Software, LLC
- Region:
Tiny Tina. Some players loved her, some felt otherwise - but it is clear that she has become an inseparable part of the Borderlands universe. She has a unique personality and sense of humor, reflects the overall spirit of Pandora's microcosm exceedingly well and deserves a place among some of the most original, interesting video game characters in general.
Thus far, we could only enjoy Tina's company during certain quests (Borderlands 2) or through commentaries (Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel). She also starred as the main centerpoint of the Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep DLC, which enjoyed some excellent reception. But one can easily feel there is still a lot of untapped potential.
Now that the fourth game in the series has been announced as the next game to be produced by Gearbox Software, it is the best time to show that their fans want to set out on a full-fledged adventure with Tiny Tina and to convice the company to include her as a playable character.
We, the undersigned gamers, kindly ask You to include Tiny Tina as a playable character in Your upcoming game, Borderlands 3.
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The Tiny Tina as playable character in Borderlands 3 petition to Gearbox Software, LLC was written by ElDoRado1239 and is in the category Gaming at GoPetition.