Warner Brothers

A tutti gli appassionati di Harry Potter,

si evidenzia l'estrema necessità che le trasposizioni dai libri ai film rispettino lo stile potteriano ed entrino nell'animo di ciascuno di noi dandoci quella magia che troviamo leggendo i libri.

Non sempre questo è successo; a volte dettagli importanti vengono sorvolati o abbreviati dai registi.

In particolar modo il 5° film ha sorvolato su alcuni particolari e non ha soddisfatto a pieno queste aspettative.

Dato che lo stesso regista dirigerà anche il 6° film della saga proponiamo, con la seguente petizione, che l'ultimo film e forse più importante sia diretto da un regista straordinario che ha la giusta fantasia e genialità per dirigere una storia così magica ed avventurosa come quella di Harry Potter; il regista, recentemente premiato con il leone d'oro alla carriera a Venezia è il geniale Tim Burton.


This petition is for all the Harry Potter fans.

We strongly desire a transposition from books to movies that is as close as possible to the very Harry Potter style, and that could positively affect each and everyone of us, keeping that very magic we find every time we read the books.

Unfortunately it hasn’t always been so; sometimes important details get lost or even set-aside by the directors.
That’s what happened with the 5th movie, HP and The Order of The Phoenix, where the director had discarded relevant events, fact that left many fans really disappointed.

Since the same director is going to direct the 6th chapter of the saga, as well, we suggest with this petition that the last and most important movie of the whole saga would be done by a great director with the right addition of imagination, and brilliance in order to transpose such a magical and adventurous story as the one of Harry Potter as JKR wrote it.

The director we would like to suggest is none other that the newly awarded with a Golden Lion for his career at the last Venice Film Festival, Tim Burton.

Vogliamo Tim Burton come regista del film di Harry Potter 7.


We would like to have Tim Burton as director for the 7th movie of the HP saga.

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The Tim Burton come regista di HP petition to Warner Brothers was written by sara and is in the category Culture at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

italy harry potter italian