- Target:
- United Kingdom
- Region:
- United Kingdom
Mark burns Williamson, West Yorkshire's Police and Crime Commissioner. Must be held accountable.. He knew of Jimmy Ssavile's rape and Paedophile activities for over 40 years. "British authorities enforcing political correctness have allowed Muslim Paedophile gangs to sexually abuse and torture young White Girls without having to face criminal charges for more than two decades, Police, Social Workers, Teachers, Neighbours, Politicians, and the Media, deliberately downplayed the extreme severity of the crimes perpetrated by Muslim grooming gangs in order to avoid being accused of "Islamophobia" or racism.
Mark burns Williamson West Yorkshires police commissioner has failed in his job to protect vulnerable white children across West Yorkshire, just like his comrade in arms Shaun Write, once South Yorkshires police commissioner, Both men are responsible for Pakistani men getting away with the rape of young white school girls some aged 11-15. Muslims want virgins who are free of sexual diseases. " 98% of the Muslim men who are paying Pakistani groomers, to rape these Children have Muslim wives, whom they don't want to risk with infection. "The younger these girls look, the more saleable they are.
We the undersigned request that Mark burns Williamson resigns, and faces prosecution, for hiding evidence of serious child rape on white children he is supposed to be protecting.
25,000 White Children in England and Wales have been raped by Muslim men and passed around like they were just vile little creatures.... Islam is the basis for this criminality but our politicians and police forces across the country are ruling out all the facts presented to them. Muslim men are permitted in the Qur'an, legally and morally to rape non-Muslims and to turn them into prostitutes.
British judges are increasingly using Islamic Sharia Law to justify light sentences for Muslims who are raping under aged white school girls because they are being taught in Islamic faith schools that women are worthless.
We must be allowed freely to name and to shame all Islamic Paedophiles all over the country. This is not a racist view, this is what is going on in our country we have to take a stand now. The Muslim population in this country has trebled in size, so there is every reason to believe that without some massive changes in our society, the rape and torture by these Muslim gangs will grow.