- Target:
- His Holliness Pope Benedict XV1-Vatican City-Rome
- Region:
It has come to light, in the ongoing investigations and litigations of sexual abuses by Irish clergy, that the Irish bishops took part in a cover-up of the abusers specifically because of instructions from the Vatican contained in a 1997 letter, made public recently.
It has been suspected by many (mostly Survivors of Child Abuse) and with further evidence obtained now raises serious questions in which the Holy Father has a duty to answer both morally and Legally; not only as leader of the catholic church, but as a citezen of humanity.
The Pope in 1997 was the widely popular and beloved John Paul II, who is currently being fast-tracked by the current pontiff, Pope Benedict XVI, for sainthood, however, many Catholics are calling for a halt to that process, at least until all the information is made public about what role John Paul II played, not only in the letter to the Irish clergy, but in other cover-ups of predatory priests around the world?
He has reaffirmed that for sainthood, the Church requires that at least two miracles be attributed to the candidate: The second miracle for John Paul II's canonization should be the purification of the Church, and to accomplish that miracle they would have to voluntarily disclose all they know about sexual abuse by the clergy, all the documents, all the names of the abusers and all the bishops and other involved in covering up. That would truly be a miracle and it would clearly show that John Paul II was the leading architect of the cover up.
Facing a growing scandal over sexual abuse by Irish priests, the leaders of the Irish Catholic Church in 1996 put together a protocol for handling the crisis, which included instructions to bishops to cooperate with law enforcement.
In 1997, the Irish bishops received a letter from the Congregation for the Clergy - in other words, the Roman Curia which is, together with the Pope, the governing body of the Catholic Church. The letter, stamped "Strictly confidential," remained so until an Irish bishop handed a copy to a reporter recently.
The letter referred to the Irish bishops' document and said it contains "procedures and dispositions which appear contrary to canonical discipline and which, if applied, could invalidate the acts of the same Bishops who are attempting to put a stop to these problems."
Please sign & support Victims Worldwide.
We, the Undersigned Victims Of Clergy Abuse World Wide, Call Directly On His Holliness Pope Benedict XV1 Joseph Aloisius Ratzinger, Head of The Roman Catholic Church To;
Willingly speak the truth and hand all information/files relating to the mass horrific crimes against vulnerable Children whilst in the care of the Religious to the Authorities, enabling thorough investigations to take place immediately.
We ask that all Victims abused in Institutions be compensated appropriately (including the Bethany and Magdalen Institutions) in particular those deceived and encouraged to accept 'awards' by the internal Redress Board Such as the Ryan/Murphy Report where Victims were made to accept small awards for aggrivated assault, Sexual Violence, Rape, Buggery, Starvation, Forced Child Labour Humiliation, loss of identity, immigration e.c.t. whilst enduring more abuse (only this time as Adults) both Psychologically/emotionally resulting in further damaged health and reported suicides.
Many faithful Catholics look to you your Holliness, for truth and justice for the Victims. It is at your will to do what is right by your heart. Thank you.
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The Tell Victims The Truth Pope Benedict XV1 petition to His Holliness Pope Benedict XV1-Vatican City-Rome was written by Anonymous and is in the category Human Rights at GoPetition.