Republican Governor Mitt Romney
United States of America

Senator Marco Rubio is a rock-solid conservative. We know where he stands. He will not only deliver Florida, but also the the votes of many young Latinos who see in Rubio their own American Dream.

Marco Rubio is ready to be President, which after nearly four years cannot be said of Barack Obama. Marco Rubio brings to the ticket leadership, optimism, and an American story not seen in a candidate since Ronald Reagan. Viva Rubio!

We, the undersigned, strongly urge Governor Mitt Romney to choose Senator Marco Rubio as his Vice Presidential running mate.

Paid for by PresidentDowngrade.com
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The Tell Romney: Choose Rubio for Vice President petition to Republican Governor Mitt Romney was written by Bob Adams, founder of PresidentDowngrade.com and is in the category Politics at GoPetition.