Grade 10 science teachers

This year, the grade 10 science teachers have decided they do not have time to teach the climate change unit that is in the grade 10 curriculum. While their reasons for being behind schedule this year are legitimate, units such as climate change and ecology are consistently rushed, undervalued or abandoned altogether at Lawrence Park CI.

It shouldn't be this way and it doesn't have to be. Climate change is one of the most important issues of our time and our generation needs to know about it. To make sure that this vital unit is not neglected in the future, a group of concerned students has started a petition for LPCI students and parents to sign.

We the undersigned are deeply concerned that this year the grade ten science teachers have decided not to teach the climate change unit that is incorporated in the science curriculum for grade ten.

We ask that in the future this unit not be neglected, and that the science department of Lawrence Park CI cover the full curriculum that has been created for the climate change unit by the Ontario Ministry of Education. We believe that learning about climate change is essential to understanding and being a citizen of the world that we live in and that it should not be considered an optional unit.

Climate change is one of the most pressing global issues of our time and everyone should have, at the very least, a general knowledge of this issue. The climate change unit must be a mandatory part of the science program for grade ten every year.

We also highly encourage the science department to bring this unit to life by means of field trips, guest speakers and other enriching, out-of-the-classroom opportunities.

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The Tell grade 10 science teachers to teach climate change not curriculum change petition to Grade 10 science teachers was written by Laura Freel and is in the category Youth at GoPetition.