Office of the Governor of Texas, Speaker of the Texas House, Speaker of the Texas Senate
United States of America

Tell Rick Perry and the Texas Legislature that you want the benefit of federally-subsidized in Texas.

Politicians are notoriously focused on promting their and there wealthy patrons best interest but this is worse. Rick Perry's proclamation that Texans will not be allowed to participate in federally-funded healthcare - placing his aspirations to be a Tea Party icon before the interest of Texans, is an act that has the effect of diminishing the welfare of Twxans without healthcare.

Despite years of their governing, Texas remains at the bottom of the bowl when it comes to the education, health, and welfare of Its people. Tell them you have had enough!

Ever placing principles that do not mirror the cross-section of Texas over practical governance, send a message to Rick Perry, his handlers, and your legislators that you want them to represent YOU, not their wealthy patrons and corporate sponsors, that you want govenment of and for the people, and that you expect improvement for the basic welfare of all Texans.

50th place and still proud! Only a fool could carry that off.

How much does it take before we act? It's gonna take more than voting. Sign this petition! Then make your voice heard in your own ways!

We, a cross-section of citizens of Texas, demand representation of our interests, including participation in federally-subsidized healthcare insurance.

We detest your foolish stance of denying federal funds despite your record of providing Texans the poorest health care in the USA.

We expect and will hold you accountable for governance the increase the welfare of all Texans.

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The Tell Governor Perry and Legislators that You Support the Affordable Care Act petition to Office of the Governor of Texas, Speaker of the Texas House, Speaker of the Texas Senate was written by Scott Blesener and is in the category Health at GoPetition.