The Honourable Theresa Oswald, Minister of Health, and Mr. B. Pedersen, MLA.

Back in the 1990's, the Manitoba government revised the nursing (education) programs. For instance, the new LPN program is in many ways similar to the “old” RN program. Unfortunately, the MB Health standards have not changed to reflect this.

One example: LPN’s work closely with people who are palliative, are often present when they pass away, but legally cannot complete all the paperwork and steps involved following a death. Having to track down an RN or doctor is a challenge, especially in the middle of the night. Also, MB standards dictate having an RN on duty for each shift in long-term care, and there are certain documents (such as restraint policies) that LPN's cannot sign.

With the nursing shortage, many (new) LPN’s have been a great asset to keep facilities going. When there are not enough RN’s to fill RN positions, LPN’s can work them, but they cannot own them (so it becomes their rotation). Therefore, LPN’s tend to end up with smaller positions, or with shifts that are less popular. Having a (near) full time position to own is the dream of most new graduates, and even LPN’s that have been doing this job for some time.

So on the one hand we have LPN’s that want these positions, and on the other hand we have RN’s being hired overseas to fill the empty RN positions, therefore pushing the LPN’s back once more. Now there is nothing against these newcomers and we do need them, but wouldn’t it be nice to give the LPN’s living and working here already a chance to own the position of their choice, after working the (near) full time positions already anyway? Is it really necessary to have an RN on each shift when it comes to long-term care, with the increase in training the LPN’s have?

We, the undersigned, call on the Minister of Health to once more take a close look at the standards, and support the LPN’s, many of whom are doing the utmost to keep the facility where they work, running.

Please allow the LPN’s to “pronounce” at a death, allow them to own the (near) full time positions, and allow them to practice to their full potential.


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The Support the LPN's in Health Care petition to The Honourable Theresa Oswald, Minister of Health, and Mr. B. Pedersen, MLA. was written by Monique Graafland and is in the category Health at GoPetition.