Support the call to the National Trust to switch to Fairtrade Tea

- Target:
- The National Trust
- Region:
- United Kingdom
- Website:
At present NT source their tea from the Yorkshire Tea company which adheres to the Rainforest Alliance policy. This is not Fairtrade accredited tea and therefore does not include valuable terms and benefits for the producers as follows.
• Fairtrade is the only certification system that includes a guaranteed minimum price that covers the cost of sustainable production plus pays an extra premium for investment in the community.
• Fairtrade empowers producers in a way distinct from other certification schemes in that its producers are supported to organise into groups, giving them greater negotiating power. They are also offered better access to information, both technical and rights-based. In this way, Fairtrade tackles poverty and promotes the development of the communities where it is applied.
• Fairtrade is also the only system that allows producers to request partial pre-payment of the contract. This is vital for small-scale farmers as it ensures they have cash flow, can reduce the need for expensive credit, can predict their income, and plan for the future.
• Fairtrade requires sustainable farming techniques. Fairtrade Premiums are often used to train producers in organic and sustainable techniques like composting and integrating recycled materials, which can help them make progress in organic conversion in the future.
I am supporting the call to the National Trust to switch to Fairtrade Tea.
Farmers in developing countries rely on the guaranteed minimum price paid to them through the Fairtrade Certification System and hugely benefit from additional money paid to the farmers/workers which is often used on community projects such as safe water for their villages.
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The Support the call to the National Trust to switch to Fairtrade Tea petition to The National Trust was written by Swindon Fairtrade Coalition and is in the category Justice at GoPetition.