Support the Adler School’s Application for Obtaining Ministry Consent to Open a Psy.D. Program
- Adler School's Vancouver Campus
- Closed on
- Target:
- British Columbia Degree Quality Assessment Board
- Region:
- Canada
- Website:
I am very pleased to announce that the BC Ministry of Advanced Education and the Degree Quality Assessment Board has now given consent to the Adler School, Vancouver Campus to offer the Doctor of Clinical Psychology (Psy.D.) degree program.
We thank everyone who signed and supported this petition.
The Psy.D. credential (Doctor of Psychology) is recognized in both Canada and the United States as a valid and respected training model for the preparation of Clinical Psychologists. It is accepted by licensing bodies in Canada for practice as a Psychologist and supported by the Canadian Psychological Association.
The Adler School of Professional Psychology has been offering a highly regarded and APA accredited Psy.D. program at their Chicago campus for nearly 20 years. Rooted in the traditions of Adlerian Psychology and informed by the tenets of community psychology and socially responsible practice, the Adler School Psy.D program is designed to provide comprehensive, high level training in the practice of Clinical Psychology.
While there are many U.S. based Psy.D. programs., there is currently only one English-language Psy.D. program in Canada and no programs available in British Columbia. There is also a substantial need for more well-trained practitioners of Clinical Psychology in BC and across Canada.
The Adler School is seeking support for its application to the Government of British Columbia to provide consent to offer its Psy.D. program on its Vancouver Campus.
We, the undersigned, show our support for the Adler School’s application to establish a Psy.D. program in Vancouver, British Columbia, and agree that this program will make a valuable contribution to the training and practice of Clinical Psychology in BC and Canada.
The Support the Adler School’s Application for Obtaining Ministry Consent to Open a Psy.D. Program petition to British Columbia Degree Quality Assessment Board was written by Adler School's Vancouver Campus and is in the category Education at GoPetition.