Support psychological services for problem gambling in South Australia

- Target:
- Psychology Association SA Branch
- Region:
- Australia
- Website:
Problem gambling brings many negative social effects and takes a terrible toll on people with gambling problems, as well as their families, friends, colleagues and wider society.
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is internationally supported by empirical evidence as the most effective treatment for people with gambling problems and associated psychological distress.
Psychologists are widely recognised as the health clinicians with the most training and expertise in the delivery of CBT.
We, the undersigned, acknowledge psychologists as the health clinicians with the most training and expertise in the delivery of CBT to treat problem gambling.
We endorse the SA State Government's decision to engage an experienced team of psychologists to deliver the CBT component of the "State Gambling Help Services", which form part of the network of specialist services in addition to those for indigenous, CALD, forensic people and their families.
We support the decision of this new service to create 8 additional placements per annum for specialist training in psychology and CBT.
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