President George Sumner Bridges
United States of America

Veteran education benefits are available to students and their family members who served in the United States Military. Studies show that veterans who use these entitlements need assistance with navigating the institutions of higher learning and Veteran Resource Centers provide for that need.

Evergreen student veterans and family members using GI Bill entitlements make up over 10% of the total student population in The Evergreen State College. Currently the Veterans Resource Center room LIB1002 is serving nearly 475 student veterans though out the year. The office also serves space for the Vet Corps Navigator, VA Certifying Official, Student Veterans Organization, and assists the following offices: Registration and Records, Financial Aid, and Students Accounts. With all the services the VRC provides the Student Veteran Organization requests the use of the adjacent classroom LIB1005 to serve The Evergreen State College student community.

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The Support our student veteran community petition to President George Sumner Bridges was written by David Griffin and is in the category Education at GoPetition.