#Roads & Transport
New Mexico Department of Transportation
United States of America

St. Pius High School in Albuquerque, NM is located off of one of the most heavily traveled roads in the city, Coors Boulevard, AKA Hwy 45. The main entrance into the school is off of St. Josephs Boulevard and Coors Boulevard. The posted speed limit is 45 mph, however, cars, trucks, semi trucks and other motor vehicles travel at a much higher rate of speed. The students, staff and parents of St. Pius High School are essentially dodging bullets as they turn East into the school when going South bound and when exiting the school going North bound. There are no posted school zones in the area. According to 2009-13 data compiled by Mid Region Council of Governments (MRCOG), St. Pius High School sits between two of the highest crash rate intersections in the city (Coors and Montano and Coors and Quaill). A new retail shopping center located at the SW corner of St. Jospehs and Coors has also increased pedestrian and motor vehicle traffic. Reducing the speed limit by installing school zone flashing beacons, will help reduce accidents into and out of St. Pius High School.

We, the undesigned, call on the New Mexico Department of Transportation to install school zones at the intersection of St. Josephs and Coors Boulevard to help ensure the safety of students, staff and visitors going into and out of the school. We believe a school zone will help reduce the speed on Coors Boulevard, thus reducing the number of accidents in the area. Additionally, reducing the speed limit will increase the safety of pedestrians crossing Coors Boulevard at St. Joesphs. We encourage you to consider installing the flashing school zone beacon lights. Students should not feel threatened or intimidated by traffic traveling excessively over the speed limit. Let's help reduce injury, harm and mortality from motor vehicle accidents by simply slowing traffic via a school zone.

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The Support implementing a school zone for St. Pius High School petition to New Mexico Department of Transportation was written by LORETTA GARRETT and is in the category Roads & Transport at GoPetition.