Nance Pelosi
United States of America

Student loan debt is crippling students, former students, families, and our economy. Many high school students and others are choosing not to attend college because of the massive debt that they are shackled with after completing college. Many students simply drop out. After college, how do you qualify to buy a home or start a business? You can't! The government bailed out Wallstreet. They bailed out the Auto Industry. They bailed out banks. The rich got bailed out while Main Street got put out. If we bailout students, it will spur business growth, homeownership, strengthen familes, and stimulate the economy. Let's put Main Street first for a change. Please support Studen Loan Forgiveness.....

"We the undersigned, call on the Democratic and Republican Party to support, adopt, and pass the Elizabeth Warren sponsored, Student Debt Forgiveness Initiative."

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The Support Elizabeth Warren's Student Loan Forgiveness Plan petition to Nance Pelosi was written by Ronnie Jones and is in the category Politics at GoPetition.