- Target:
- Region:
- Canada
- Website:
- cepunion.blogspot.com
In March 2011, Bell laid off over 100 unionized clerical employees in Ottawa, employees with as many as 30+ years of service in the company, some with only months to retirement. CEP local 6004 represents 800 clerical Bell employees in Ottawa and has seen Bell relentlessly cut unionized staff over the last 3 years, reducing the original number of members from 1400 by almost half after this last round of cuts.
Outsourcing and Restructuring represent the largest component driving the cuts. Bell’s marketing strategy to remove Canada from its marketing seems to run parallel to its decision to employ as few Canadians as possible.
As a further disrespect to the employees affected in the last round of cuts, some of them are being replaced by Management, presumably in an attempt to further decrease the number of unionized employees working for Bell and drive Bell’s “cost structure” to favourable levels for share holders, a large number of which are represented by Bell’s own upper management team.
The Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union of Canada feels it is time for Canadians to stand together and fight the globalization of our Canadian telecommunications industry and employment opportunities before the societal degradation that results is irreversible. Canada’s middle class is in a fight for survival because the upper class believe it should not exist, replacing it instead with 3rd world labour where no-one can stand up for their rights to living wages and proper benefits, casting those middle class aside in the process. Now, during a federal election, it is time that the politicians stand up for Canada and Canadian workers.
We will be having an information rally on April 1st from 12:00 to 1:00 PM at 160 Elgin.
CEP Local 6004
Richard Desilets - President
Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union of Canada
Barb Dolan – Administrative Vice-President of Ontario
We, the undersigned, call on the government of Canada to come up with policies that keep important telecommunications jobs in Canada.
You can further help this campaign by sponsoring it
The Support CEP Local 6004 petition to CRTC was written by Bill and is in the category Politics at GoPetition.