- Target:
- President Obama
- Region:
- United States of America
- Website:
- www.stockmarketawareness.com
As you know America is in a huge recession; why don't we allow the American people the opportunity to stimulate the economy?
China's economy is rising exponentially. Why? The people of China are working together to boost their own economy.
We as Americans have become lazy. We look to the government to continuously bail us out; all the while putting us further and further into dept. The more money the government throws into stimulus packages that don't work, the more our national debt goes up.
Americans constantly complain that the President isn't doing enough, or isn't putting money into the right areas. Instead of complaining we should take the initiative and ask to have the right to contribute and decide where the money goes. The solution is very elementary.
Take a look at the size of the adult population in America; if each adult citizen pays just $10.00 a month to a stimulus fund that would equate to approximately $3 billion dollars a month. That money raised could bail this country out quickly without adding to our national deficit.
My suggestion is allocate the funds each month to two areas. The first being the SBA and the second being infrastructure. We've spent enough money on the stock markets, banks and the automobile industry. Small businesses are the meat and potatoes of America. Why are we padding the pockets of the already wealthy CEO's of these big corporations?
This stimulus fund will boost small businesses to grow and expand therefore, creating more jobs. Equally it will create jobs by enabling constant growth in our infrastructure.
So, why don’t we as Americans quit complaining and ask that we contribute into digging ourselves out of this hole.
We the undersigned call on President Obama to implement a stimulus fund driven by the American people. Our country is falling deeper and deeper into debt; with no relief in sight let us contribute to saving our economy.
The plan is for each adult citizen to contribute just $10.00 a month to a stimulus fund; that would equate to approximately $3 billion dollars a month. We feel this money raised could bail us as a country out quickly without adding to our national deficit.
My suggestion is alternate the funds each month to two areas. The first being the SBA and the second being infrastructure. We've spent enough money on the stock markets, banks and the automobile industry. Small businesses are the meat and potatoes of America. Why are we padding the pockets of the already wealthy CEO's of these big corporations?
This stimulus fund will boost small businesses to grow and expand therefore, creating more jobs. Equally it will create jobs by enabling constant growth in our infrastructure.
President Obama please allow us as American citizens to contribute and bail ourselves as a whole out of debt.
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The Support a Population Driven Stimulus Package petition to President Obama was written by Melody Theron and is in the category Government at GoPetition.