State senators and state govenors
United States of America

In the last year and half I have been in two car accidents, both because the driver of the other car ran a red light. The problem here in the state of Florida as in many states is, violators receive only a traffic ticket for the amount of $185.50 for violation of traffic control device. This means the fact that they caused an accident and injuried another human being does not come into play.

In 2005 more then 800 people were killed and 165,000 people were injuried due to someone running a red light. Also in 2005 a research poll was done to find out why people ran red lights, the most common given answer is, "I was in a hurry".

I believe the law for running a red light and causing an accident should be more then just a fine. Thats why I propose, that in a case like this the person at fault should have their drivers license suspened for 3-6 months depending on their driving record. I also propose that cameras should be put up at all intersections (big & small). So for those that thought they got away with it, really didn't.

We, the undersigned, ask the Senators and Govenors of all states to take a look at their traffic laws, in regards to red light running and related accidents and make the penalties stiffer for those who can't obey the rules of the road.

We need to stop the red light runners.

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The Stopping the red light runners petition to State senators and state govenors was written by Shari and is in the category Government at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

red light running