#Animal Rights

As many of us already know, Wal-Mart sells many species of fish. And many may have noticed that the tanks are unsuitable. The fish are very crowded. Also, all the water from all tanks go through the same filter, which means that if one tank has sick fish, all tanks will become sick.

The biggest fish (koi) are being kept in the smallest tanks. Most of the time the staff that work in the pet department have no knowledge about the fish. Just recently a lady working at Wal-Mart was selling a goldfish to a customer that was going to put the goldfish in a little betta bowl. I kindly tried to explain that the bowl is unsuitable for a goldfish but the Wal-Mart staff was arguing that a bowl is the perfect habitat for a goldfish.

I also have found evidence that the fish in the stores are being starved to reduce the amount of waste in the display tanks.

We are asking Wal-Mart to please stop selling fish. The fish are being kept in unsuitable conditions and the staff have no knowledge about the fish most of the time. Many fish die every day in these stores. I think that selling fish should be left to petstores.

So please sign this petition to stop the suffering of thousands of fish.

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The Stop Wal-Marts' Fish Cruelty! petition to Walmart was written by Jule Schweighoefer and is in the category Animal Rights at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

walmart fish cruelty