The President of the United States

In a meeting on january 11th 2018, President Trump reportedly said he was against immigrants from "s***hole countries" souch as Haiti and African countries, coming to the USA. However, he would welcome immigrants from countries, such as Norway.

As Norwegians, we stand together with the rest of the world against Trumps remarks about Haiti and African countries. We resist attempts to make divisions between people. Our fortune is based on luck and the hard work of earlier generations. This has created a welfare society in strong contrast to the values of Trump and the Republican Party. We, the undersigned, refuse to be made part of a racist attempt to question the dignity of those who seak a better future for their families and themselves!

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The Stop Trumps divisive language petition to The President of the United States was written by Viktoria Saxegaard and is in the category Politics at GoPetition.